{ positionality } How to avoid reinforcing colonial and oppressive practices while taking a stance in a situation of injustice? Who has the right to speak? Positionality is the nature of…
{ artist-in-residence } Artist-in-residence is referring to when someone is working in a creative area through a residency program usually in another city or country for a limited period of time.…
Senait Tesfai is a project manager with a background in communication, primarily within the cultural sector. As a part of a collective she started the cultural organization Podium and is now working…
{ jahan-dide/jahāndide } Persian word, literally meaning a person who has seen the world, connects the idea of wisdom to movement. A Jahāndidé is a person who has through many trips/journeys…
{ utopia/dystopia } The 19th century was understood as a dystopian state in the eyes of the Iranian elite. This was mainly a consequences of being exposed to new world powers…
Soroor Notash is an architect, urban planner and musician based in Stockholm. Her main interest is the notion of modernity in Iran in the built environment and the literature. Currently she is…
Mauro Sirotnjak is an architect based in Zagreb. He is Interested in the politics of space and commoning spatial practices, and is currently developing research on the relation between contemporary housing policies,…
{ infrastructure } If we accept the traditional saying that all roads lead to Rome, do we need to question who built them and why? To deal with infrastructure is to…
Marie-Therese Luger is a curator and researcher. Her work uses “curating” as a methodology to detect, analyze and challenge power structures and aims to critically examine the value, potential as well as…
{ appropriation } “Appropriation as appropriate practice” is a concept I have been working on both theoretically as well as within the framework of my artistic/curatorial practice since 2015. It is…