{ restauro } Keywords: propaganda, gattopardismo, modernism, facade In the introduction to Uses of Heritage, Laurajane Smith argues that the authentic essence of heritage—the pivotal juncture when our emotions and personal…
2 cm: the thickness of fascism 2 cm of plaster Steffie de Gaetano, Alice Pontiggia, Silvia Susanna From a modern understanding, the non-human is perceived as a sum of inert resources…
A situated discourse on land care, collective food growing, cooking, and eating. Nourishing conversations Steffie De Gaetano, Francesca Gattello, Silvia Susanna Modernity has subjected the rural world to the extensive exploitation…
{ in-digestion } Indigestion is the guttural knowledge of something not sitting well; an elusive intuition of discomfort; a visceral unsettling twitch that pushes you to reprocess something which has not…
{ vision > dis-vision > en-vision } Aware of the perception of sight as a dominant sense over the other senses in the construction of knowledge, especially in Modern-Western societies, we…
Cineforum Hosting place for conversation as a research practice Steffie De Gaetano, Alice Pontiggia, Silvia Susanna Conceived out of the wish of maintain, extend and nourish the collective social space and…
The Amnesia Collective for reflection on the memory of a difficult heritage Carlentini Peter Nylund, Laura Fiorio, Laure Catugier For this series of hosted sessions in spring 2022, we strive to work with memory,…
{ Amnesia Collective } As the Amnesia Collective, we are aiming to balance between theory and practice, by first, inviting guest speakers to situate the current situation of rising fascism and…
Critical Introspections Sweden and The Netherlands, Spaces of Production Sara Rossling, Sara Davin Omar, Denisse Vega de Santiago On a cold evening in October, a Swedish curator (Sara Rossling), a Swedish-Kurdish…
{ critical introspection } intro- from Latin intro (adv.) "in, on the inside, within, to the inside," *spek- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to observe." In Towards a Queer Phenomenology, Sara Ahmed refers…