politics of space

{ politics of space }   Kurdish mobilisation in Rojava began in 2011, just as the Syrian uprising was spiralling into a civil war. Institutions that had worked underground for years suddenly…


{ healing }   The biggest hit to Kobane in Rojava, northern Syria, came on June 25, 2015. Several months after defeating ISIS, hundreds of Islamic State fighters sneaked back into town…


{ subversion }   Beside the use of the scissor lift as prosthesis of preservation, the act of going up and looking down through the oculus aims at a symbolic subversion of…

critical preservation

{ critical preservation }   The 1964 Venice Charter, setting guidelines for the conservation and restoration of monuments states that ‘replacements of missing parts must integrate harmoniously with the whole, but at…

undoing heritage

{ undoing heritage }   Heritage is not neutral: indeed, heritage is entirely political. The authorized heritage discourse focuses on aesthetically pleasing material artifacts and excludes everything which can contradict the official…


{ dildo-architecture }   The notion of prosthesis is crucial for developping an understanding of the role of architecture as a multiplier of (gendered) ideology. As Paul B. Preciado argues, hegemonic masculinity…


{ echoing }   Echoes from the “colonies” resound in “Casa del Mutilato”, where history is represented by the voice of the coloniser. One of the epigraphs, placed at the sides of…


{ peace }   Mussolini’s speech continues by labelling the Empire as an “Empire of peace, because Italy wants peace for itself and for everyone and decides to go to war only…


{ martyrdom }   What is the relevance of the queer reading of Saint Sebastian in relation to Casa del Mutilato? If the building is a monument to men who fought in…


{ mutilation }   During the Treaty of London (1915), a secret pact between the Triple Entente and the Kingdom of Italy, Italy was also promised a share over the Mediterranean Ottoman…