
{ positionality }   How to avoid reinforcing colonial and oppressive practices while taking a stance in a situation of injustice? Who has the right to speak? Positionality is the nature of…


{ artist-in-residence }   Artist-in-residence is referring to when someone is working in a creative area through a residency program usually in another city or country for a limited period of time.…

jahan-dide / jahāndide

{ jahan-dide/jahāndide }   Persian word, literally meaning a person who has seen the world, connects the idea of wisdom to movement. A Jahāndidé is a person who has through many trips/journeys…

utopia / dystopia

{ utopia/dystopia }   The 19th century was understood as a dystopian state in the eyes of the Iranian elite. This was mainly a consequences of being exposed to new world powers…


{ infrastructure }   If we accept the traditional saying that all roads lead to Rome, do we need to question who built them and why? To deal with infrastructure is to…


{ appropriation }   “Appropriation as appropriate practice” is a concept I have been working on both theoretically as well as within the framework of my artistic/curatorial practice since 2015. It is…


{ vortex }   Vortex is a region in a fluid or clouds in which the flow revolves around an axis line, such as in a tornado. In my research it is used…


{ heritagise }   Have you ever asked yourself what your heritage is? Or what is your legacy? If you are lucky enough, you will find these questions easy going and straightforward…


{ casbah }   The Casbah is by definition a citadel or fortress. Historically it was a place of retreat for the Mujahideen during the resistance of the fifties, as it was…


{ conversing heritage }   I am looking for an ideal between private and public, where feelings and affections maintain the same trust and care, in our private conduct as in our…