
{ collective resistance }   The meaning of resistance – as a collective process – relies upon the active engagement of a local community, through the combination of individual actions, such as…


{ listening }   Listening, in a deep, embodied sense, is not about objects, but about subjectivities. It is about collecting stories of lived experience. Stories of here and elsewhere. Stories of…


{ catalyst }   Methodologies: -Mirroring / learning / displacing -Reimagining -Collective desires -Self-confession -Social device -Situated knowledge A catalyst is an informal and temporary action used to make structures of power…


{ collect* }   Often, when something new is erected in a neighbourhood, we think: “I can remember that there was something here before, but now I can’t remember what.” Within contexts…

al hogra (الحكرة)

{ al hogra (الحكرة) }   Widely used in North-African societies, this word comes originally from the Arabic noun “Ihtiqaar” (إحتقار), meaning contempt. In the Maghrebi dialects spoken in Morocco, Algeria and…


{ DIY }   The do-it-yourself (DIY) ethic promotes the idea that anyone is capable of performing a variety of tasks rather than relying on paid specialists. It requires that the adherent…


{ threshold }   A threshold as an archetypical form is a passage, a space that connects by separating and vice versa. For example, we say that we reach or overcome a…


{ heterotopian view }   Foucault states that space is the relation among sites, and that sites can be analysed through their relations. There are, however, sites that do not allow themselves…


{ carceral amnesia }   “A development like no other, Pentridge is a true Melbourne icon reimagined for the 21st century. Unique F&B and specialty retail opportunities are now available to join…


{ żywicowanie }   “A sweaty concept might come out of a bodily experience that is trying. The task is to stay with the difficulty, to keep exploring and exposing this difficulty.”…