{ isolation } To be isolated is to be secluded. To be cut off from surroundings or contexts. Over the course of the last year, many of us have been separated…
{ assemblage } Keywords: carving, making space, coming together, gathering, to assemble, safety vs security “There is no space independent of subjects,” wrote Jakob von Uexküll in his volume A Foray…
{ narration } Dionisio is ten years old and he goes every day to Gjon Buzuku school in Tirana. The school is located in an area called Porcelain in the north…
{ boundaries of power } What you learn in architecture school is the act of making. Rarely is it fully acknowledged that the making of something new is accompanied by the…
{ permeance } In this project, I would like to propose permeability (or to permeate, permeance, permeation and permeating) as a conceptual lens through which to approach the entanglements of earthly…
{ language } (prison, virus, art, home) “Knowledge cannot rightly be assimilated to a well-designed language, because it operates at the conceptual level.” (Lefebvre, The Production of Space) “Language is the…
{ queering space } “The Master’s tools will never dismantle the Master’s house.”[1] I often find myself occupying in-between spaces, whether they be spaces of conflict, negotiation, or reconciliation. Urban planning…
{ introspect/outrospect } Planning and architecture are part of political activity and deal with several societal issues with widely differing goals. These goals often contradict each other. For planners and architects,…
{ to recosmize } "There is no space independent of subjects" — Jakob von Uexküll, A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans Jakob von Uexküll stated that we sit…