{ restauro } Keywords: propaganda, gattopardismo, modernism, facade In the introduction to Uses of Heritage, Laurajane Smith argues that the authentic essence of heritage—the pivotal juncture when our emotions and personal…
{ in-digestion } Indigestion is the guttural knowledge of something not sitting well; an elusive intuition of discomfort; a visceral unsettling twitch that pushes you to reprocess something which has not…
{ vision > dis-vision > en-vision } Aware of the perception of sight as a dominant sense over the other senses in the construction of knowledge, especially in Modern-Western societies, we…
{ Amnesia Collective } As the Amnesia Collective, we are aiming to balance between theory and practice, by first, inviting guest speakers to situate the current situation of rising fascism and…
{ critical introspection } intro- from Latin intro (adv.) "in, on the inside, within, to the inside," *spek- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to observe." In Towards a Queer Phenomenology, Sara Ahmed refers…
{ conduction } A conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of electric current in one or more directions. Conduction is the transmission between conductors. The…
{ desirefulfilment } To be fulfilled means “to be satisfied or happy because of fully developing one's abilities or character”. When we use the -ful of fulfill in a word like…
{ palimpsestic } To call something palimpsestic points to it having the ability to be altered; to its purpose being able to extend to one other than its original intent. Simultaneously,…
{ (Decolonial) AestheSis } (Decolonial) AestheSis is a concept that can be employed as a decolonial option/tool when undertaking an attempt to delink art practices from the colonial matrix of power.…
{ upcoming or postponed? } #UnscrewYourMonument Like some of the colonial statues that have recently been removed in different cities around the world, why not try to debunk the architecture? Can…