island of wastedness

{ island of wastedness }   In between buildings, there are pieces of land, and on them used to be apartments. In only thirty years, the houses are in ruination. There are…


{ diffraction }   Enter the void. We belong to bodies eating the sun. Melting, thaws, mining my inner Mercury. Grasping the light, blinded by the rays, you become the sun in…

of(f) focus

{ of(f) focus }   Off focus translates to “out-of-focus”, when you cannot see the image clearly or when a camera, telescope, or other instrument is out-of-focus; while of(f) focus refers to…


{ gazes }   There is something violent in the thought that we must be only one. Whole. Only one identity. Static. Is there only one way to be human? We are…


{ concretization }   To concretize is to make something concrete, specific or definite. Concretization is the process of concretizing a general principle or idea by delineating, particularizing or exemplifying it. Does…


{ succession }   Succession (from the Latin successio: “succession, inheritance”) constitutes a consistent, mostly irreversible change from one biocenosis (plant, animal, or microbial group) to another within a given area, due…

blind spot

{ blind spot }   When we ask ourselves what a blind spot is, we might define it as something that “we cannot know, what we cannot see, what we cannot represent.”[1]…


{ overcoming }   In a state of ongoing conflict, the verb “to overcome” or its present participle “overcoming” can be read as to defeat, beat, conquer, or prevail over the other…

object politics

{ object politics }   What value a soul? Celebrated artists likely put heart and soul into their works; while colonial “curios” such as shrunken Māori heads resonate with their own ancestors…