uninvited guest

{ uninvited guest }   Hospitality raises the eternal question of how to receive the Other. The term hospitality derives from two Latin words that contradict each other in meaning: hospes and…

shady commons

{ shady commons }   Shade, extending beyond its conventional definition, creates contact[1] zones and refuge/shelter. More than a concept, shade becomes a methodology for engaging with space. Learning from the site…


{ de-colonia }   As a response to the current state of abandonment of the City of Colonies, the project investigates the possibilities of re-signification of fascist architecture through the temporary occupation…


{ resilience }   “Art is our gun,” says curator Lyana Mytsko[1]. To the great surprise of the Russian president and the international community, Ukraine perseveres, two years after the large-scale Russian…


{ evolution }   Croatian hotels have undergone a fascinating evolution over the years, reflecting not only the shifting landscape of tourism but also the socio-political dynamics that have marked the nation's…


{ comparàtico }   According to Raffaele Corso, who generously filled in a page of the Enciclopedia Traccani on this matter, the comparàtico[1] is a word through which several obligations associated to…


{ retracing }   I like to think of soil as a binding connector to each place on earth. A grounding force that is soft to our feet and that provides a…


{ sunlight }   A philosophic and poetic art investigation of our relationship to bending sunlight. My artistic endeavours unfold using the absence and control of light – darkrooms, lightboxes, camera obscuras,…


{ neutrality }   Our initial instinct in the days following the 7th of october 2023 were to write and publish a statement (available here). Realizing the severity of Israel's full scale…


{ restauro }   Keywords: propaganda, gattopardismo, modernism, facade In the introduction to Uses of Heritage, Laurajane Smith argues that the authentic essence of heritage—the pivotal juncture when our emotions and personal…