Walter Mignolo
The Darker Side of Western Modernity: Global Futures, Decolonial Options Pp 1-24, 27-74, 77-117
Audre Lorde
The Masters Tool’s will Never Dismantle the Master’s Tools (1984)
Franz Fanon
On Violence, The Wretched of the World (1961)
Ann Laura Stoler
The Colonial Administration of Bodies and Space – a conversation with Ann Laura Stoler in The Funambulist Magazine No. 10: Architecture and Colonialism. pp. 40 – 45
Michel Foucault
The Subject and Power, Critical Inquiry, Vol 8, No 4 (1982)
Jorge Otero-Pailos
Experimental Preservation: The Potential of Non-Me Creations, Experimental Preservation, (ed.) Otero-Pailos, Langdalen, Arrhenius (2016). pp 11-39
Thordis Arrhenius
Monumental and Non-Monumental Strategies, Experimental Preservation, (ed.) Otero-Pailos, Langdalen, Arrhenius (2016) pp. 41-56
Erik Langdalen
Utopia and Conservation, pp 136-147
Paulo Freire
Pedagogy of the Oppressed, pp. 35-69
Stefan Jonsson, Peo Hansen
Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism, pp. xiii – 16.
Mia Fuller
Wherever You Go, There You Are: Fascist Plans for the Colonial City of Addis Ababa and the Colonizing Suburb of EUR ’42
Krystyna Von Henneberg
Monuments, Public Space and the Memory of Empire
Ruth Ben-Ghiat
Modernity is just over there. Colonialism and Italian National Identity
Pamela Ballinger
Colonial Twilight: Italian Settlers and the Long Decolonization of Libya
Emilio Distretti
(Post)colonial Architectures. Italy and the Question of Fascist Heritage
Madina Tlostanova
On decolonizing design
Madina Tlostanova, Walter Mignolo
Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections from Eurasia and the Americas