Roberta Burchardt (Brazil) is an independent researcher and practitioner, mediator and writer based in Stockholm. With a background in architecture, visual arts and crafts, her research engages heritage via notions of atmosphere, ownership, private/public, contemporaneity, emancipation and meaningfulness, where a theory and practice of uses is central.


Engaged in a public conversation with João Felipe Wallig at Iaspis Open Studios, talking about heritage, architecture and collectivity through his practice in Vila Flores and Goma Oficina, Brazil, and Roberta´s practice with the Sobrado house.
João Felipe Wallig is a Brazilian architect and grant holder at the Swedish Arts Grants Committee International Program for Visual and Applied Artists.

Stockholm – online

Shared the Sobrado House at the ICOMOS ‘Our Common Dignity’ Working Group training course ‘Heritage Communities and Human Rights’.

ICOMOS Estonia with Nordic Council of Ministers, Estonian Academy of Arts, National Heritage Board of Estonia, Juminda Peninsula Society, Lahemaa NP Cooperation Council.
2.09.2020 – 5.09.2020

Estonia – online

The training course focused on community-based heritage protection and the theory and application of human rights-based approaches in the heritage field.

Presented the research ‘Conversing Colonial Heritage: Inhabiting – inheritance, private property, private ownership, common patrimony and use as form-of-life’ at ACHS Futures 2020 in the session Arts and Creative Practices

Association of Critical Heritage Studies
5th Biennial Conference
26.08.2020 – 30.08.2020
University College London, UK – online

The conference engaged critically with the often stated aims of heritage to address the concerns of future generations, whilst also asking participants to think expansively and creatively about the future of critical heritage studies as an emergent field of focus across a range of academic disciplines.